
Yunlin Academy Holds Lecture on Traditional Culture in Qiaosi Residential Community

LY-Temple | 2015-12-29 | View: 3380

On December 25, 2015, Yunlin Academy of Lingyin Temple held a lecture in Qiaosi Residential Community of Yuhang District. Professor Li Mingyou of Yunlin Academy and Zhejiang University gave a themed lecture of “The Modern Value of Traditional Culture”.

Over one hundred staff from the education center of Qiaosi Residential Community attended the informative lecture by Professor Li. The Party Secretary of the education center Mr. Yang Jianhao presided over the lecture.

Professor Li started with the concepts of benevolence, filial piety and the supreme harmony of the Confucianism, the focus on following nature and returning to original simplicity of Taoism, and the emptiness of the five skandhas and great compassion of Buddhism. He explained to the audience the profound Chinese traditional culture and its value in modern society in simple language.

This is the fifth academic activity (also the last of this year) held by Yunlin Academy in residential communities. Upon the completion of the lecture, the Dharma master in charge of Yunlin Academy, Master Huicheng, together with lay Buddhist volunteers, passed out to the audience fine decorative wall calendars of 2016 crafted by Lingyin Temple. Well wishes and prayers between one another brought the event to a successful conclusion.

Activity held in Qiaosi Residential Community by Yunlin Academy

Professor Li Mingyou gave a themed lecture of
“The Modern Value of Traditional Culture”.

The Party Secretary of the education center
Mr. Yang Jianhao presided over the lecture.

Audience listening attentively

The lecture

Elegant wall calendars of 2016 crafted by Lingyin Temple