
Ven.Guangquan Lectures at Training Course for Temple Workers

LY-Temple | 2016-01-16 | View: 3200

Early this year, Lingyin Temple held a training course for persons in charge of Buddhist temples organized by the Buddhist Association of Dongyang City, Zhejiang Province. On January 11, the Abbot of Lingyin Temple Ven. Guangquan delivered a lecture themed “Thoughts on the Year of Buddhist Ethos 2015” to attendees comprising of both Buddhist masters and lay disciples.

Ven. Guangquan explored the development of Buddhist ethos in modern China in a global context through reviewing the Sangha’s practices of Buddhist precepts and ethos in Japan, South Korea, Myanmar and other Asian countries. He stressed that the development of ethos relies on unremitting efforts in the three types of learning — precepts, meditation, and wisdom. Ven. Guangquan also cited the speech given by President Xi Jinping at the UNESCO Headquarters and emphasized that China’s Buddhism is at some the best time periods ever and yet it requires sound development of ethos in order to seize opportunities, address challenges, and promote self-development. Furthermore, Ven. Guangquan introduced the complete development of a legal ramifications for religious affairs in Buddhist Ethos this year. The trainees expressed that they had benefited immensely from the lecture’s depth as well as breadth, and would strive to enhance the development of China’s Buddhism.