
Lingyin Temple Wishing Everyone Happy Chinese New Year

LY-Temple | 2017-02-05 | View: 3471

As one spring comes to an end, another begins. Auspicious greetings!

As we come upon the Year of the Rooster, Lingyin Temple wishes everyone a new year filled with soaring aspirations and eminence. Starting now, we should stay steadfast and progressive in the Buddhist practice and propagate altruistic Buddhism in accordance with Buddha and the Dharma. The realization of proper speech and proper deeds relies on the spirit of benevolence, inclusiveness and gratitude. What should be remembered is that we should be a messenger of alturistic Buddhism to proactively spread positive energy, joy and warmth.

It is the fervent wish of Lingyin Temple’s fourfold assembly of disciples that peace and harmony may prevail in this world. Let there be world peace, national prosperity, social harmony, happiness and wisdom for everyone.

Abbot of Lingyin Temple
Lunar New Year’s Day, 2017

Lingyin Temple on the Eve of the New Year

Buddhist believers to pay respect for Buddha on the Eve of the New Year

Prayer ceremony on the Eve of the New Year

Abbot of Lingyin Temple Ven. Guangquan tolling the bell to seek blessings for the masses
