
Ceremony of Refuge in Triple Gem Held at LYT

LY-Temple | 2017-07-14 | View: 3069

The enlightenment day of Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin Bodhisattva) falls on July 12 (the 19th of the sixth lunar month) this year. More than 600 Buddhist believers from all over the country assembled at Lingyin Temple to attend the ceremony of refuge in Triple Gem (Triratna) hosted and conducted by Abbot of Lingyin Temple Ven. Guangquan.

At 9:00 am, the Buddhist believers who came for conversion to Buddhism gathered at the Dharma Hall and listened attentively to Master Songrui, who patiently explained the rituals and rites of conversion to them. After that, the ceremony began at 9:30 am.

Ven. Guangquan was warmly welcomed by the assembly, to whom he explained the meaning of refuge in Triple Gem—the three Jewels of Buddhism that Buddhists take refuge in and look toward to for guidance, i.e. Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. He also encouraged everyone to be devoted to the study and practice of Buddhism after conversion and get benefit from Buddhist practice in their daily life and work.

Solemnly welcoming Ven. Guangquan

Ven. Guangquan speaking to the assembly

Buddhist believers listening attentively

Ceremony of refuge in Triple Gems

Sharing Dharma bliss

