
Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou Holds Offering Ceremony on Ghost Festival

本戒 | 2019-08-17 | View: 3010

The Ghost Festival, also called Ullambana Festival, Yu Lan Festival, Buddha’s Joyful Day, Pravarana Day or Parents’ Day, is an important Buddhist festival. This year, it falls on August 15 (the 15th day of the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar). According to the Buddhist tradition, Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou held Buddhist services to celebrate this festival, including an offering ceremony, sutra chanting service, releasing the flaming mouth ritual, etc., for the purposes of praying for a long life for people in the world and for rebirth in the Pure Land for the dead.

The temple supervisors Master Jueheng and Master Yiguang presiding over the ceremony

Chanting sutra for blessings

The offering ceremony