Lingyin Culture

Go Team of LYT Takes First Place in "Zhenru" Cup

杭州佛学院 | 2013-11-07 | View: 3366

Lingyin Temple's Go (weiqi) team finished first place in the tri-provincial "Zhenru" cup recreational invitation, with representing teams from Zhejiang, Shanghai, and Jiangxi.


Go team of Lingyin Temple

Ven. Miaoling of Zhenru Temple and Abbot  Chuanjue warmly receive  Venerables from Lingyin Temple

Members of the Lingyin Go team

Lingyin Temple's Go team captain Ven. Jueliang in a friendly match with Zhenru Temple's Abbot Chuanjue

Lingyin Temple's Ven. Jueliang discusses go

Lingyin Temple go team's Ven. Ziyu (the right), in match with lay player Maoyu.

Lingyin Temple Go Team's Dharma Masters Ziyu, Tian, and Wanbao.

Lingyin Temple Go Team's captain Ven. Jueliang accepts award.

On the morning of November Second, Lingyin Temple's Go team assembled with Venerable Ziyu, Ti'an, Yongneng, Wanbao, and team captain Jueliang participated in the "Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi Tri-provinical Recreational Go 'Zhenru Cup' Invitational" and received warm hospitality by Zhenru Temple's Senior Master Miaolin and Abbot Chuanjue.

 In the event's interview, Lingyin Temple's go team caption Ven. Jueliang was asked to comment on the competitive environment of go, which yields a clear winner and loser, for a Buddhist monk who is detached from worldly matters by tradition. Ven. Jueliang stated, "Weiqi (go) is a cultural tradition, like many art forms, an iconic embodiment of our culture. Monastics may treat weiqi as a form of cultivation for one's moral and spiritual character, similar to many aspects of Monastic life, even simple traditional routines such as eating and dressing rituals. Like many aspects of the Monastic world, the emphasis here is on the mind and the heart, as opposed to the mind and body. With Chan cultivation's emphasis on the inner strength, the traditional game of weiqi emphasizes the mind and consciousness..."