
Abbot Guangquan talks on "Zen and Worldly Life" for Class Lu Student

LY-Temple | 2014-08-08 | View: 3067


July 30th, 2014, Zhejiang University's Class Lu Student Executives Association held the inaugural ceremony at Lingyin Temple. The ceremony was organized in conjunction with the Zen seminar "Enlightening Bond of Dharma" featuring Dharma talks from Venerable Guangquan on Zen and worldly life.
Citing classic texts and scriptures, Venerable Guangquan captured the crowd with Buddhist philosophies and stories of Zen--from Sakyamuni Buddha's first Dharma transmission to Mahakasypa by way of a smile at the Flower Sermon, to Chan (Zen) Sect's development in China, to the blossom of the Chan flower in five petals--from ancient India to the east, how Buddhism profoundly shaped China. In worldly life with Buddha's teachings, one's life will guide by itself with proper cultivation; through precepts, persistence, and wisdom, one must rid greed, anger, and ignorance while harnessing desires.
Through these Zen cultivation events, Abbot Guangquan hopes that all may achieve Buddhist beliefs of compassion, that all life forms are valued equally--to care for the people we work with and for those around us. With the wisdom and courage of Dharma, we shall all engage in this ever-changing world in a positive manner, in personal or professional life.
The Abbot also spoke in addition on Zen philosophies such as dependency between everything in the universe, that nothing is removed from anything else in relation. Another well-received piece was on 'Letting go', releasing of stubborn attachments in life. With witty analogies laced over humorous wisdom, he engaged the crowd with lively talks and received an enormous applaud following the discussion on whether luck and fate exist in the world we live in.
In closing, Venerable Guangquan pointed out to the students and young professionals in the audience that the essence from these Chan stories is actualized when our lives are immersed in it. He hopes for all to cultivate the body, mind, and heart--to be compassionate individuals who see life clearly and ethical entrepreneurs who are benefactors to our modern society.

Venerable Guangquan’s Dharma talks for for Zhejiang University CLass Lu Student Executives Association's Inaugural Ceremony

Warm applaud for Abbot’s talks of wisdom

Discussion with the audience

Zhejiang University Class Lu Student Executives Association's Inaugural Ceremony