
Lingyin Temple Holds Prayer Ceremony for Yun'nan Earthquake Victims

LY-Temple | 2014-08-12 | View: 3178


On August 3, 2014, a 6.5-magnitude earthquake devastated the county of Ludian in the southwestern Yunnan . To date, at least 410 people lost lives along with severe structural and economic destruction. The catastrophe also left a high injury count as victims still face safety and relief-aid concerns. With the country absorbed in the well-being of the victims, the faithful believe though people are helpless against earthquakes we are not helpless against the outcome of the disaster.
The fourfold assembly of Lingyin Temple, also emotionally affected deeply by the situation, conducted a prayer ceremony on the morning of August 5th. The human compassion, the Buddhist compassion, drew hundreds of participants to the Mahavira Hall of Lingyin Temple to join in Buddhist songs, prayer chants, and mantra recitals. As tourists and visitors joined the massive assembly, Abbot Guangquan proceeded in the middle of the grand hall with ceremonial rituals, often gazing up at the Statues of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for victims’relief, for blessings.
Alongside Abbot Quangquan were the Lingyin Sangha and the lay disciples, immersed in chants of Great Compassion Mantra in high tones during the incense offering as a light drizzle streaked by in faint layers outside. Surrounding them were emotional crowd of visitors and volunteer staff members in the somber setting, all gathered to strengthen the hope, for auspicious blessings. May the deceased victims rest in peace, may the injured recover well, and may all those affected receive blessing in the heart and in the recovery of their communities.

Lingyin Temple’s prayer ceremony for Yunan earthquake victims drew remarkable turnout.

About Guqngquan leads the proceedings of Dharma event.

Sangha assembly in prayer ceremony for auspicious blessings dedicated to victims.

Ritualistic offerings placed for souls of all beings.

Lay followers and visitors participate with monk assembly.