Home > Calendar > 2015

The Schedule of the Buddhist Activities of Lingyin Temple, 2015

Holidays / Temple Events
Chinese Luner New Year
February 19th
Observance day of Gautama (Shakyamuni) Buddha Gone Forth.
March 27th
Day which Gautama Buddha Attained Nirvana
April 3rd
Tomb-sweeping Day
April 5th
The Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) Bodhisattva’s Birthday
April 7th
The Gautama Buddha’s Birthday
May 25th
Bathing-Buddha Festival;
Monks conduct Alms-round (Pindapada).
Three Months Raining Season Retreat (Varsa)
Jun 1st – August 28th
The Kathina Robe-Offering Day and Ullambana Ceremony
August 28th
Water-land Ceremony
September – October
To be announced
Day which Avalokitesvara (Guanyin) Bodhisattva Gone Forth
October 31st
Winter Solstice Praying Ceremony
December 22nd
Day which Gautama Buddha Attained Enlightenment
January 17th, 2016

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